Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

80's Party and I am not talking about he Temperature!

My Sister (in-law) and I are a lot alike. We love to have a good time and be silly. We live hours upon hours away from each other so we don't get to spend as much time together as we would like. During out last visit together we made each day have a theme. We planned silly activities for our kids (and us) to do each day. We made all the adults participate as well. I don't have pics of everything, shame on me, but here are a few. (Not pictured are silly day, and Indian day)

Bright Colors Day. It was too bright for the kiddos for me to take this picture.

Cowboy Day. We roasted hot dogs over an open fire, listened to cowboy music, and wore hats and bandannas to celebrate.

Camo Day. We visited a army museum in our camo and an army surplus store.

The apex of the visit was our 80's party. We truly had a blast with this. Our kids thought it was so fun to dress in such silly clothes and to do our hair so crazy. Little do they know that we really wore these things. We had planned to watch a Richard Simmons video, sweating to the oldies but we didn't have a VCR (I guess we were not in the 80's after all).

Our Family in 80’s attire. Don't you love my sequin tiger on my shirt!

Everyone looking good!

G ended up winning an award for being most realistic for the 80's and my brother (in law) for the silliest outfit. G really wanted a trophy for winning but it was more of a pat on the back award. She looked just like I did as a kid.

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