Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ladies Retreat

I am so looking forward to our Ladies Retreat, this Saturday. I hear our Speaker is John Piper. He was fabulous last year. (it is by video) Along with the Bible study we have a ladies tea. We encourage all of the ladies to wear hats and bring their favorite tea cup. I have been making "hats" for some of the ladies today. I really just embellish headband with flowers, feathers and tulle. I think then turned out well and will post picture when they are on the ladies pretty little heads. G has a hat to wear and gloves as well. She has picked out the dress she wants to wear and it is not really tea appropriate but I am going to let her do it anyway. It is a Princess Belle dress that is glittered and floor length. She will think she is the cat's meow. Can't wait to post pics of our day.

Miss Julie Abinginger

I am blown away by this little girls imagination everyday. She of course immitates life in her play, but she comes up with things I have never heard.
This morning she was pretending she recieved mail from a friend. She opens up the (pretend) letter and says, "I can't believe that Julie Abinginger wrote me this letter."
Me- "Who is Miss Julie Abinginger?"
G- "I don't know, who is Miss Julie Abinginger?"
Me- "I don't know, who is she?"
G- "You tell me who she is mom?"
Me- "You made her up, how would I know who she is?"
G- "You know her mom, tell me."
I gave up at that point and continued to listen to the letter from our dear friend Miss Julie Abinginger. She apparently misses us bunches and wants to see us soon.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Yesterday, in church my husband announced that we are possibly moving to Kentucky due to a call from another church. This was one of the hardest things he has ever had to do. He got a little emotional, which made me cry like a baby. However, they are tears not of sadness, but of joy and thankfulness. We LOVE Grace Chapel Baptist Church. The members are our family and our heart. We truly have been blessed by the love of this body and it is hard to leave behind relationship and bonds such as these. Pray for our family as we discern God's will for our family. Pray for our current church and for our possible new body. Pray that we will see the Christ in them and Him in us and we will LOVE.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where was I?

I guess my kids just don't get sick that often or I am completely out of it when it comes to administering medicines. J and G were put on meds. for bronchitis and a sinus infection. G has pretty much always taken medicine like a champ. However J has jaws like a vice. He closes his mouth and refuses to take it. I tried "force" to get it in him and ended up with Pink bubble gum flavored goo all over everything. So I asked for tips on my facebook page. The consensus was to put the yucky goo into yogurt or something yummy flavored. We tried it this morning and it worked like a charm. I LOVE WISE MOMMY'S!! Thank goodness for the women who have gone before us and impart there knowledge upon us. I am not one who needs to live and work though the trials of life to learn. I WELCOME any tip that will make my life easier! It is funny that that is how God planned it all along. He knew older/wiser women needed to help the younger less experienced women in MANY things. Thanks ladies.
Oh I had a Dad give a tip too...a crowbar and a funnel! ha ha ha.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Egg FrEE, Milk FrEE, Nut FrEE YummEE

Here is what I made for my Egg Free Milk Free Nut Free dessert. Fruity Pebble Snacks. They are the same recipe as Rice Crispy Snacks just substituting the Rice Crispies for Fruity Pebbles. My kids helped me and enjoyed making this dessert for their friends. We had a great time in fellowship and enjoyed a wonderful lunch on Sunday. The kids seem to enjoy the treat because seconds were had by all. There are quite a few members of our church whose children have food allergies and I am always looking for something good to make to make sure they aren't left out.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ideas Wanted!

I am cooking dessert for a EGG FREE & Nut Free group on Sunday. If you have any good ideas let me know. Must be kid friendly!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sick of being sick!

Why is it that when our children are sick we "baby" them and when we are sick we neglect to take care of ourselves. I got sick Friday and have been ignoring it. I just thought I can fight through this, I am the Mom, and Moms don't get sick. However last night was my breaking point. I couldn't move. My sweet hubby bathed the kids and let me lay on the couch (while I felt guilty for my behavior). I agreed with my mother that I needed to go the the Dr.
Yet, when I got up this morning and felt better than last night I convinced myself not to make the appointment. My mom told me to go anyway and I am glad I did.
I have a sinus infection, bronchitis, and the verge of two ear infections.
So, I am babying myself tonight and trying not to feel guilty. I am staying home from bible study (sniff) and watching a movie with the kiddos.
I am sure I would have been better by now if I would have just gone to the Dr. in the first place. I am just always scared that they are going to look at me and say "Sorry there is nothing wrong with you, but maybe you ARE crazy!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Silky Smooth

I know this is going to sound like an advertisement but I am truly in love with Baby Oil Gel! Before you dry off from your bath/shower apply a palm full of this new non-runny gel all over your body. Then towel off and BOOM Silky moisturized skin ALL day! My mom used to put baby oil on and it would run all over the tub making it slick. Now it stays where you put it. You can even get unscented if you prefer not to smell like a bundle of joy. I just came out of a rough winter but my skin is in really good shape. Try it!

Monday, April 5, 2010


I love when fresh berries are in season. Our wonderful neighbors bring us blueberries from their bushes and my son eats them by the bucket full. G thinks that picking them is a sport she is really good at. You have to convince her that we have enough. I am looking forward to the yummy harvest this summer but I found This Cake and it looks amazing! A friend baked a blackberry cake for my hubby on his birthday and it was wonderful. She suggested a serving method of heating it up a little and pouring milk over it. YUM! I am going to try this one out soon.