Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Monday, June 21, 2010

20 days!

Moved in!!!! It has been 20 days since I have really been online. Wow that is a record for me in my adult life. I am so used to having access right at my fingertips at any moment. But moving, and the craziness life has thorwn in the last 6 weeks has left me with little time for some of the things I enjoy. I hope to get my world back together and I look forward to catching up with the blogging world. I feel like I miss so much if I don't get on everyday, much less 20.
We have settled into our new home and have most everthing unpacked. I got my china cabnet filled today. I am so excited about that! My parents drove it up 14 hours in the back end of their truck. Which they drove off of the train tracks in front of my house as they were pulling in. God was gracious and they were not stuck or hurt. It gave me a heart attack and I still feel sick when I think about it.
They also drove up my son's bunk bed, and a pink mustang power wheel car for G and J. I know pink isn't his color but he loves being driven by G. He controls the music and throws it in reverse every now and then to spice things up.
J's b-day feel the day after we moved so we had a party for him this week. Hopefully he is not scarred for life about the late party. I think 2 is still too young to know what is really going on but he enjoyed his party (pics to come).
All in all I am ready for some normality and routine and structure. I always thought my routine was pretty loose, but it's not. I am way more structured than I realized. Our kids have only been to bed on time once since we moved. It makes me frightened for when I have to restucture their lives. J is taking 2 naps a day right now (which I don't mind) but he is sooooo whinny. Pray for strength for me and understanding from them.
Hopefully we wont be moving again anytime soon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last Sunday

I woke up in a panic this morning. I was dreaming about packing. Which by the way we haven't packed a single box as of yet. We have been waiting on a few quotes by moving companies. In my dream I was looking at all of my stuff and trying to figure out the number of boxes it would have to fit into. I am really ready to get this show on the road.
Sunday our church was so precious. They allowed my hubby the Sunday School hour to just speak a little bit about he process we had gone through with the new church. Then after Andy preached they had a Fellowship dinner for us. One of the dear saints in the church made a beautiful quilt for us. She had allowed people to sign the quilt with wonderful words of encouragement for us. It is a precious treasure. Also they found a piece of art that looks similar to the view outside our kitchen window here @ E**** Estates. It will go perfectly in our new home on our mantle.
The day was full of tears and wonderful words of encouragement.
Grace Chapel is truly a unique church. I will always think of it as home. They have taught me so many things but most of all they have adorned the gospel in such a way that it is fresh air to the believer. They have truly been the bride of Christ in the beautiful unity they have. I look forward to spending eternity with these believers worshiping our Savior together.