Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Monday, December 19, 2011

FL Resident!!!

Our Family has made some big changes in the last few months. We have moved south. It all happened so very fast but God was definitely in it. Hubby accepted a new pastor position that God opened up the door for. So, December 1st we moved to FLORIDA!!! I am home again. It is still a few hours from where I grew up but a 4 hour drive is a lot easier than 14 hours. Hubby's sermons will now be found @ . I have really missed blogging and crafting and reading crafting blogs but hopefully things will settle down and I will get back to it.

Costumes better late than never

I dressed the kiddos in Mountaineer gear for our annual Fall Festival @ the church. J ended up winning in his age group. I made his costume. He wanted to be "The Mount-meer".

Monday, October 17, 2011

Paint Pikeville Pink

Hubby ran in the Paint Pikeville Pink 5k in memory of his Mommy. The kids and I walked...well, I walked and the kids got pushed! I could hardly walk afterward from my hipflexers being so sore from steering the double stroller. We had a blast and Hubby was in the top 20. He ran a 5k 2 weeks later and got 2nd place. I am so proud of him! I think he looks good in Pink! ;)

before and after

Just a brief before and after. My husband and I have debated when to cut our baby boys hair. We were torn because it was so beautiful, and it just gave him so much personality. He was a spectacle. You don't see a five month old with hair on his shoulders everyday. About a week ago hubby woke up and thought our little girl was laying next to him because he had long flowing hair in his face. It was our baby boy. I cut his hair that night. In the bumbo seat on the bathroom counter. He didn't like it! He hardly fits in the seat to begin with but he kept throwing his whole body backwards in protest. But I got it done, and I think he looks so cute! I know I am partial.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Raising homemakers.

Just found a new blog I am excited to follow. Maybe you would like to check it out as well. It is a blog about teaching our daughters the art of homemaking and encouraging them in do it for the glory of God.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hand Prints

I love this! I am such a sappy person, who gets attached to small treasures like this. I wish I would have done this with G & J from birth, but better late than never!

1st Day!

For the past few years my husband and I have debated over the homeschool option. We have felt strongly that this was the best option for our family for so many reasons. We both attended public school as children, and turned out just fine but that wasn't the reason for this choice. We wanted the chance to teach our children about this world from a christian worldview. We wanted to be hands on to relay to them that it is all about Christ. Everything from A to Z is from Him and for Him.
We have a number of homeschoolers in our lives, family, friends, and former church members. Some are just beginning and some have homeschooled numerous children from Kindergarten through 12th. We have received lots of advice and some sneers from folks who aren't so supportive. I am sure that it is a drastic choice in the minds of some but it is the best choice for us.
We want our kids to experience the same special moments that every other kid does when they start school. So this past Monday we began our new adventure of Homeschooling. We took pics of our Big Kindergartner. We made a special space for her downstairs. She has a desk, art center, a huge white board, a reading nook, and computer. We are using A Beka Homeschooling curriculum. We are so pleased with it. It is so Christ centered and I feel that it is excellent academically.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Just discovered Just one more thing for me to gaze at for inspiration and to get the creative juices flowing. Really love the DIY section.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My kids love this!

Kitten's inspired by Kittens.

Isn't this beautiful!

My SIL wrote this on her blog and it is so sweet I had to share it! She is truly a blessing to me and I am so thankful to have her as a sister! God didn't bless me with a biological sister but he blessed me with a Sister in LOVE! Thanks Amy!

Decor ideas.

G got a "NEW" room due to gaining a new brother. The boys will be sharing and she go to move into Daddy's former office. He still has a few things (a desk, and filing cabinet) left in the room. However we are looking forward to decorating her new space. I found this picture today and thought it would be really cute to add color to her room that is wood paneling. They are just left over scraps of fabric inside of embroidery hoops. I think it is a great way to use some scrap fabric we have from hubby's Mom's stash that I was given!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Big Picture.

Every night after dinner our family has "Bible Time." We have gone through many children's bibles over the past few years but we recently receive by far our Favorite. It is called "The Big Picture Story Bible" It goes through the whole bible, Old and New Testament as one continuous story. It allows the kids to hear the Bible on their level WITHOUT watering it down. I love what the back of the book says, "The Bible is a big book, about a big God, who keeps a big promise!"
This particular children's bible shows you not a moralistic view on popular Bible figures but shows you how those figures or stories point to Christ.
Our copy came with a CD of the author reading through the book with signals for you to turn the page and our daughter has listened to it several times alone.
This book was a precious gift to us from dear friends for the birth of our second son and it has been a blessing to us already. Thanks M & B!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This is so true!!!

How to prepare for nursing. The following is an article that was taken from a parenting magazine years ago after I nursed my daughter. Starting out was one of the roughest things I have ever done in my life. I ended up nursing her for 21 months, J for 24 and am just starting out again with P and it is one of the most rewarding experiences as a mother but honestly painful and @ times discouraging and draining. I hope you enjoy and get a laugh or two.

How to PREPARE for Nursing

1. Gently rub your nipples with sandpaper.

2. At bedtime, set your alarm clock to go off every two hours. Each time it rings spend 20 minutes sitting in a rocking chair with your nipples clamped with a pair of chip clips.

3. Draw branching lines all over your chest with a blue-green marker and stand in front of your bathroom mirror and sing "I Feel Pretty."

4. Open your already crowded freezer and make room for five dozen plastic milk bags.

5. Fit the hose of a vacuum cleaner over one breast and set on "medium pile." Turn off vacuum when nipple is three inches long. Switch breast.

6. Obtain "DO NO CROSS" tape from your local police station and wrap firmly around your chest. when your spouse asks about it, say, "Get used to it."

7. Tape a water balloon to each breast and squeeze into a maternity bra. Repeatedly hook and unhook the nursing flaps with one hand while using the other hand to balance a sack of squirming puppies.

8. Dine in the fanciest, snootiest restaurant you can afford, making sure to arrive with a big wet spot directly over each nipple.

9, Record your mother proclaiming, "Just give the baby some cereal like God intended and and she'll sleep right through the night." Play in an endless loop at 1 A.M., 3 A.M., and 5 A.M.

10. Slather your breast with peanut butter, top with birdseed, and stand very still in your backyard.

11. Go someplace public -a museum, a courthouse,, the steps of your office building-and stuff a lifelike baby doll under your shirt. Use the doll's arm to suddenly hike the shirt up past your collar bone. Lower shirt. Feign nonchalant smile.

12. Suckle a wolverine.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are now ready to nurse a baby. Maybe!

(Melissa Balmaain, a freelance writer)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Baby is here!!!!

I am NOT pregnant anymore!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very thankful and I am feeling so so so much better. Our son "P" was born on my husbands mother's birthday. She passed away 21 days before our son J was born which was almost 3 years ago. Our daughter got to know her. Our son J was named after her. And now P shares her birthday. They all have a piece of her. My labor was easy as can be expected. I had a very good epidural! The delivery was easy peasy. My hubby pushed the epidural button moments before delivery so I was completely numb for the pushing. It turned out to be a good thing because I had to wait while I was 10 centimeters for the Dr. to get there. He wasn't even at the hospital! But he got there and it was 3 contractions to push through and we had our newest bundle of joy. We are so very blessed! He is so precious and such a good baby. I couldn't ask for a sweeter little boy. He was 9.2 lbs! I was shocked to have an over 9 pound baby. But I knew that he had to be big because I was HUGE and I hurt so bad. I am enjoying this new adventure of 3 children. I am in a bit of a dreamland for now because my mother is here helping me and she will be greatly missed when she returns home. But I am not thinking about that for now.
All glory to my loving Heavenly Father for knitting together in my womb this child, and trusting him to my care. Let me teach him to Fear and Love the Lord!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quote of the Day!!!

Yesterday our family was watching the extensive coverage of Bin Laden's death. Fox news had interviewed many, many random people at Ground Zero. G was taking it all in. She was very attentive, so I shared with her why people were so happy about this mans death. I told her about 9/11 and how he had planned the whole thing. I told her that people were happy that this man wasn't going to be able to hurt anyone else.
She says, "Yeah, he is in Hell now!"
Hubby and I looked at each other in shock. I remembered back to the interviews on Fox. A man had said "He split Hell wide open". So, I guess that is where she got that.
Regardless, of who is in office. I just have to say I am proud to be an American. I am not rejoicing in Bin Laden's death but I know that the Lord does deliver justice. I am proud that our country offered him more respect in his death and burial than he showed others. I am so thankful for our servicemen and their families who sacrifice for our freedom. We were all enjoying our Sunday afternoon together, enjoying fellowship with one another, playing with our children, while men were risking everything so that we could enjoy that freedom. So, thankful!

Friday, April 29, 2011


I am all about hats! I was over the moon watching all of the beautiful women in their hats this morning at the Royal Wedding. However, I must say this one was VERY... distracting (to say it sweetly). What do you think?

Her Dress!

I LOVED watching the Royal Wedding this morning. G and I didn't get up in time to watch the entire thing together but we did get to enjoy the recessional and we saw the Kiss on the balcony. I think she thought it was really neat to see a girl become a princess (or duchess) right before her eyes just like in a fairytale.
I LOVED Kate's dress! It was so classy and so appropriate. I would have worn it had it existed. I don't personally know Kate (shocking) but she seems so sweet, genuine and classy. So I think her dress matched her personality!
I know my wedding doesn't compare on a grandure scale with the Royal wedding that occurred today, but don't we all just feel like a princess on our wedding day. I am thankful for my Prince that God "gifted" me. He is my best friend and my spiritual head. I am so thankful for my Prince Charming!

One sad fact, Kate and William have dated longer than I have even known Hubby.
Will and Kate's status: Married today.
Hubby and my status: Married for almost 7 years, and have almost 3 children.
(Thankful I had a man who knew I was what he wanted, and didn't wait. Waite Corie doesn't rhyme anyway.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shout out!!

I know it is "Royal Wedding Week" it is also DeSoto Queen and Princess selection time. I wanted to send some love to my Princess, Rachel.
I have enjoyed looking at all the pictures from this past months celebration. They bring back a lot of memories! I know 2 sweet girls on the court this year. During Rachel and my year we were thick as thieves and even though we live states apart she is still one of my best friends! Love you Rachel!! You can look at the Court HERE. Friday night the Queen and Princess will be selected.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Up from the ground He arose.

Just thought I would share a cute Easter Story. My kids have been watching the animated version of "The Passion" for the last week. It is a constant question, "can we watch the Jesus movie." I have indulged partly because I want them to know the story inside and out, but also I have zero energy being 9 months preggers.
While I was cooking dinner a few nights ago I could hear my kids playing in the living room. G and J were acting out the movie. I peeked in and saw G laying prostrate and weeping saying "Sir, if you took His body, just tell me where you have laid Him." Then she instructed J to say, "Mary it is I"
I love them and I love that they are learning the story and I long for the day that it is not just head knowledge but heart knowledge!
I hope you all had a blessed Resurrection Sunday!j
(P.S. My Easter dress was thrifted for $6.00 and it is Vera Wang for Target. It isn't maternity but it worked!)

Easter Baskets

While my mother was visiting us a few weeks ago she made Easter Baskets with my children. They had a blast making them and I thought I would share the results of their crafting with you. Both baksets are covered milk jugs. Jboy made a basketball with orange felt and black foam. Ggirl made Hello Kitty out of cotton balls and colored foam.
At the Easter Egg Hunt we attended both kids filled their baskets numerous times over and had a blast!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday.

Last night my G girl got VERY upset before bed. I had a hard time claming her enough to find out what the problem was. My mind always jumps to something terrible. I fear someone has hurt her or she has done something she is very sorry for. Once she was calmed enough to speak she expressed her fears. She said, "I wish I didn't have brothers, so that you could love just me."
Of course my first comment was to inform her that that was her sinful, black heart that felt that way. That her brother J is her best friend and she would be so very sad without him. Then I got to share with her the wonderful gift God has given mothers. The ability to love another child without taking any love away from the others.
As my due date comes closer I am flooded with memories of fears I had right before I had J boy. I remember desperately holding onto G the nights before his arrival and thinking "She wouldn't be my baby anymore." I remember thinking "I don't want this new baby to take the place she holds in my heart."
However, these fears and lies that I was feeding myself were washed away completely. God has truly given us the ablility to love our children equally and unconditionally.
Having children has taught me more about the Father's love for us. How much Him giving us His son was truly sacrifical. How I would be unwilling to give my children for a righteous man much less my enemy. How He doesn't love me less when I fail him daily. He just looks at me and sees the image of His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased.
I understand G's fears. She if feeling better today. She is assured of my love and she understands greater that my love is unconditional just as God's love is when we place faith in Jesus' finished work on the cross.
I am so thankful for the Cross!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Resurrection Rolls

I once made a pan of brownies that I thought marshmallows would be yummy in. So I mixed them in the batter and threw them in the oven. When the brownies were done they were full of holes where marshmallows once were. That is when I discovered that if you bake them they will...disappear!
I have read this idea somewhere else, so it is not original to me but I love using this idea of disappearing marshmallows to demonstrate to a child that the Tomb was empty on Easter morning!
We will be making Resurrection Rolls this Easter:

One can of crescent roll dough
8 large marshmallows (or one for each roll you’ll be making)
Melted butter
Cinnamon sugar
Bible or Easter storybook

Assemble rolls and read the story:
1. Read John 19, spend the week before reading John 12-18 with your kids.
2. Unroll the crescent rolls. Explain that this is like the cloth they wrapped Jesus in.
3. Give your child a marshmallow and explain that it represents Jesus's body… all white and pure because He was without sin.
4. Roll the marshmallows in the melted butter. This symbolizes the embalming oils.
5. Roll the marshmallows in the cinnamon sugar. This is like the spices used to prepare his body for burial.
6. Wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll cloth, pinching the dough together securely. Don’t worry about the shape so much, they’ll taste the same no matter how you roll or bundle them. This represents how they would have wrapped Jesus’ body in burial clothes. I like to brush them with more melted butter, but it’s not necessary.
7. Put the rolls in the oven (symbolizing the tomb) and bake for the amount of time specified on the crescent roll package.
8. While the rolls are baking, read John 20:1-18.
9. Open the tomb (oven) and remove the rolls. When they’re cool enough to handle, break one open and discover what happened to the marshmallow. Jesus is risen!

Hillbilly baby.

Just a picture I thought I would share from the past week. It was Hillbilly Days in Pikeville, KY. I thought it was fitting I take a picture there, barefoot and pregnant.

My Hubby!!

I am my husbands #1 fan. However, I am also one of his sheep. I am blessed to be able to sit under his preaching and teaching at Grace Baptist Church. In the last 8 years I have learned more about Christ and His finished work on the Cross than I did in all the years of Sunday School and Church and youth group and conferences combined. I know you think I am biased but he is a WONDERFUL preacher. He is truly been gifted with the spiritual gift of teaching. Now you can see for yourself. He has put his sermons on the Internet and you can be blessed by them too.
Go to In the little search area type Andrew Smith or Grace Baptist Church.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Resurrection Cake

I am getting my ideas together to make our annual Resurrection Cake.
We will be making it a little different than last year but my kids are very excited about this project. In the past we have done a two dimensional cake but this year we are planning on making it 3D. We will have to get some yummy candies and cookies to decorate with but this is always a fun project that gets my family talking about Christ and his FINISHED work on the cross.
What do you do with your family to celebrate our Savior raising from the dead?

Easter Hat.

As a child my mother MADE me wear an Easter hat and gloves. I went along with her wishes and didn't buck against her wishes till I was in 6th grade. I remember vividly going to pick out my Easter dress and her wanting me to get a hat and gloves. I remember telling her girls my age didn't wear hats and gloves. She didn't agree. When we got home I pulled out the trusty JC Penny's catalog and said if she could find a girl my age with a hat and gloves on I would wear them. She couldn't and that was the end of my hat and gloves on Easter.
Now that I am the Mommy of a precious baby girl, I MAKE her wear hat and gloves too.
I think this is because deep down I want to wear them again myself. I think that was the driving force behind my mother's desire for me to wear them too. I love going to tea parties and wearing hats and gloves. Somehow it makes the occasion feel more fancy and special. I was browsing the web and noticed that the future Princess, Kate Middleton wears hats quite often.

I wonder if I could get away with wearing one on Easter this year?!
We are going Easter dress shopping tonight and I wonder if G will still want to wear one too. She is very girly but she does have a strong opinions on what she likes and what she doesn't. I will try to use my motherly influence to keep that hat and gloves on her for another year more.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

History lesson

I think my daughter missed out on the last part of a history lesson.
We were in the car and we had a friend and her son following us in their car. J asked "why is D (we will call the son D) sitting in the backseat?" I told him that it was for his own safety and that that is why he sits in the backseat too. G added to my answer with "Brother, kids and colored people sit in the back." She was so matter of fact about it.
I was in shock!!!
She learned that in the past "colored" people were forced to sit in the back while we were on a train ride in FL. We actually sat in the "colored" car. I guess we forgot to tell her that this is no longer true. However we did communicate that it was not right and that it was people's sinful hearts that made them make these rules. I spent the car ride explaining the "end" to that history lesson.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thrifty Site

Smashion is going to be a new obsession I can tell. I am truly on a thrift kick right now. Our local thrift store has pretty amazing deals and I have gotten some great high end skirts with the tags still attached over the last few months. I also found my sister a beautiful camel suede coat to make a purse out of for only $0.50. I just heard about this website today and just took a quick peek at it (OK I spent more like an hour looking at it). The prices might not be $0.50 but I saw some really cute things for really cheap.
Am I the only one obsessed with thrifting? I get excited about finding really great things really really cheap. I think they know me by name at the local shop. But hey I agree with the Duggars "Buy used, save the difference." However sometimes it isn't even used stuff, sometimes it is just pre-owned. (Do I sound like a car salesman calling them pre-owned?)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Danny Pye has been realeased! God hears the cries of His people! God is so good! You can read about it here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


How blessed we are to be in the USA! We think that just because we are not suffering in physical ways for the Gospel that no one else is. Out of sight out of mind. However, our missionaries are SUFFERING FOR THE GOSPEL! Please pray for Danny Pye and his family. Here is his story.

4D UltraAWESOMEsound

I had my 32 week ultrasound yesterday and the technician did some of the photos in 4D. It was absolutely amazing! I am in awe at the mind God has given us to be able to invent a machine that lets us peek into the womb and see our unborn children. It is overwhelming looking at the life inside of me and being able to say, "He looks like his siblings." I see how fearfully and wonderfully made he is.
I told my hubby last night that no matter how uncomfortable I am and how "ready" I am for this to be over I know there is a prize waiting for me at the end of this 9 month process. I am anxious to hold my prize in my hands and see what God's hands have made secretly inside of me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A different pillowcase dress.

I want to make one of these!!!! It is so precious, so simple, so girly. A nice fresh take on a pillowcase dress. I am on the hunt for pretty pillowcases. Maybe this will be G's easter dress.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Another musical post

We have a channel on our TV that allows you to listen to Christian music. Saturday night we were listening and I heard a song from a group I had never heard of. Not that they aren't popular or haven't been around it is just that we mostly listen to CD's of our favorite groups or listen to CD's of catachisms set to music. The group was called Sanctus Real. Lead Me was the songs name. Mainstream Christian music doesn't always have a message worth listening to. Sometimes it can even be played enterchangably on secular stations so I was impressed by this songs lyrics. It was about A husbands cry to lead his wife, a fathers cry to lead his children, a mans cry to be lead by God to lead them the way God has called him to. WOW something real! Something worth crying out to our Heavenly Father for.
Side note, I love there name Sanctus, it is Latin for "to be holy". I even asked hubby if he like the name for a middle name for new arrival. I like the meaning but it may be a bit to out there. What do you think?

Love is a verb.

Boom! Burn! Bip! Yeah! Pow! Hey, ha ha.
Down with the dc Talk, d- d- down with the dc Talk
Are you down with the dc Talk, d- d- down with the dc Talk

Pullin' out my big black book
Cause when I need a word defined that's where I look
So I move to the L's quick, fast, in a hurry
Threw on my specs, thought my vision was blurry
I looked again but to my dismay
It was black and white with no room for grey
Ya see, a big "V" stood beyond my word
And yo that's when it hit me, that luv is a verb

(chorus 1)
Words come easy but don't mean much
When the words they're sayin' we can't put trust in
We're talkin' 'bout love in a different light
And if we all learn to love it would be just right

(chorus 2)
Hey, tell me haven't ya heard?
Luv, is a serious word
Hey, I think it's time ya learned
I don't care what they say
I don't care care what ya heard
The word luv, luv is a verb

Down with the dc Talk, d- d- down with the dc Talk
Are you down with the dc Talk, d- d- down with the dc Talk

Thinkin' of a way to explain-o
Cause ya' know when I'm flowin' like a bottle of Drain-o
Simple and plain, L-O-V-E
Ain't all that junk that ya see on TV
Put soaps on a rope cause they ain't worth copin' with
It's a myth that there ain't no hope and
Luv is enough if it's unconditionally
Givin' now you're living out the Great Commission

(repeat choruses 1 and 2)

Back in the day there was a man
Who stepped out of Heaven and he walked the land
He delivered to the people an eternal choice
With a heart full of luv and the truth in His voice
Gave up His life so that we may live
How much more luv could the Son of God give?
Here is the example that we oughtta be matchin'
Cause luv is a word that requires some action

Not sure how many of you like/liked DC Talk but this song is in my head right now. I am just surrounded by a multitude of situations where this word love is so misunderstood. It is so abused. It is just meaningless. I have a heavy heart for many of my loved ones because they haven't experienced this VERB. They don't know how to "do" this LOVE.
I have an uncle who is in hospice care dying with brain cancer who doesn't know the love of Christ.
I have an aunt who is suffering with terminal cancer and is antagonistic toward the free gift of love and forgiveness Christ offers us.
I have a family member who thinks love is selfish and unkind and self seeking.

I am broken for these situations. I just want to shake someone and say, it isn't about what others can do for you. It isn't about mushy gushy feelings. It is about SERVING, SACRIFICE, and a willingness to FORGIVE when the other is unforgivable.
Lord, let me LOVE the way Christ loved the church. Let me DO love!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Link to Cardboard Testimony

Still crying! What a beautiful way to worship! I am not known for making my sin public or my stuggles known. I usually keep them to myself but this is such a beautiful way to bring our Savior GLORY for His Grace and Mercy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feeling Ready!

I am almost 30 weeks along in my 3rd pregnancy. I am feeling DONE!!! I am READY!!!! Lets get this show on the road and NOT be pregnant anymore!!! I am Tired, Hurting, Swollen and have Zero energy!
I am feeling like all I do is whine about how much my body is HATING this extra weight and pulling and pressure. I don't like to whine and it seems to be my theme.
While I was in FL my sweet hubby and mother FORCED me to buy a new pair of tennis shoes, to give me more support. They also strapped a girdle around me for support and they tried to push me around the Brandon Mall in a wheelchair. I got out of that one by wearing the shoes and girdle. But I feel almost like I am to the point where even laying down is an effort. I have 10 weeks to go! I will make it. Hubby keeps saying "take it one day at a time". I have somewhere around 175 days to go and that just seems overwhelming!
So I am turning my focus to something else! (trying to) I am focusing on getting my classroom ready for the fall. I am focusing on cleaning out our unused unwanted clutter. I am focusing on house guests we will have in 2 weeks, and freezer meals for when Preston arrives. I am focusing on the 4D ultrasound that I get to have in 2 weeks. I am focusing on ANYTHING but the 175 day, or 10 weeks, or 2 1/2 months left!
I had a doctors appointment yesterday. My Doctor is so funny. He comes in the room each visit and says the same thing. "Weight looks good, blood pressure looks good, measuring good, this is your third time around, I think it is smooth sailing. Do you have any questions?" I want to scream "YES!! CAN YOU MAKE IT MAY ALREADY?!" But I don't I just kind of slip my statement of discomfort in like it is a question and he replies the same every time with "Third pregnancies do tend to be the toughest." That's it?! That is all you can offer me?! What about a tip to ease the pain or an encouraging word? All he offers me is that, what I am going through is normal. So, I pack up my things and get on my way.
OK, my tantrum is over! I will put back on my "pregnancy is wonderful attitude" and be thankful for this wonderful blessing from my Lord. I will praise Him that He has designed my body in such an amazing way to be able to handle childbearing. I will praise Him that He has opened my womb. I will praise Him that He is knitting together Preston and that he is fearfully and wonderfully made. I will FOCUS on this being a gift!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am home!

Not to brag...but...I am in FLORIDA!!!!! I am so happy to be here visiting with my family! I haven't seen them since September and that is a lifetime. My kids are in heaven playing with all of the toys that are @ Grammie and Papa's house. To top things off my Daddy made his grandkids a clubhouse. IT IS AMAZING!! I will post pics of it when I get home. It isn't 100% finished but it is playable and they ask just about every minute of the day if they can go play in it.
We are enjoying our time!

(Old pic of my g-pa and my kiddos in FL)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A post just for my Sister!

Do you have sudden urges to wear rain hats? Well my sister in law who is very young and vibrant, longs to wear one when it is not so nice outside. She became fimilar with them during one of her "themed parties" she loves to throw. The theme was 80's not as in the decade but as in 80 year olds. We are crazy I know. But we all had a great time. She looked great! She wore an "old ladies" rain hat. In the days following the party the weather was not so nice outside. It was very windy and rainy on our shopping trip and she expressed her desire to wear her rain hat. I STRONGLY discouraged her. I probably made fun of her a bit and the conversation was dropped. However, she wasn't kidding. She REALLY wants to wear one. She makes me laugh! I love her dearly! And if she did wear one I would openly make fun of her.
HOWEVER, I have found a "semi" cool solution. I wasn't searching for it but ran across this on a thrifting/refashioning blog. They are rain hats made from old umbrellas.

I think SHE could pull this off. I am not ready to tie one around my neck until I am closer to my 70's and I have to pay to set my hair weekly. But I might not make fun of her as much if the rain hat was this cute!
So here is to you my Sister I can't wait to post a picture of you in one of these.
(I am a gracious sister in law, I didn't post the pics from the 80's party)

Friday, February 4, 2011

I am convinced.

G has had a weird bump/rash/cyst/thingy on her foot for months. Her pediatrician is a member of our church so I have taken advantage of that and asked him several times to look at it. He was very gracious and looked at it for me. He was not sure what it was. At first it was a cyst like bump about the size of a m&m on the top of her foot. He said to keep an eye on it for changes. I did, and change it did. About a month later it flattened out. I had him look again. He said he still wasn't concerned and still wasn't sure what it was but that I could go to a dermatologist if I wanted to. But he said he would still just keep an eye on it for changes. It didn't look like an infection or anything to cause alarm. I am a CRAZY worrier and a weird bump under my kids skin is cause for alarm to me. I am thinking it is cancer and it is spreading. I am crazy I know. I kept my eye on it and another change happened. Another bump formed, Ahhh! What is it?! Now it is flattened out with a lot of little bumps inside and the skin is a little discolored.
When I got G out of the bath last night she told me it was hurting her a little bit (WORRY BEGINS AGAIN).
Then, the answer popped in my head. I had a word come to my mind that I hadn't heard since I was 10 years old. When I was 10 I had a weird brown patch of bumps on my leg. Good old Dr. Hall told my mom, "It's Granuloma Annulare". Why did that pop in my head? I am not sure why, but I had Hubby google it. The first image we saw was EXACTLY what G's looks like. I am convinced this is what she has. Looking at the info on it is a common skin condition that will clear on it's own. Of course there were some dramatic cases that scare you to death

but G's is not bad at all. I am still going to keep my eye on it and vow to STOP worrying.
I am also going to give my diagnosis to my pediatrician and see what he thinks. Maybe, he can research for me more than WebMD.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pregnancy Cravings!

Is anyone else obsessed with Panera Bread? I know anytime we are in a city that contains one, hubby and I are there. We always order the same thing (because it is so stinking yummy)! We both get the 1/2 and 1/2 Frontaga Chicken sandwich and brocolli cheddar soup, with a bagette on the side.
I am craving it so much I googled the recipe last night and am going to find my way to the store for the ingredents and make my knock off version.
I am not going to be anywhere near a Panera for weeks and it is on the brain so I hope this satisfies. I thought I would share the recipe I found just incase anyone else might like to try it.


1 tbls. butter, melted
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 cups half & half
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 lb. fresh broccoli
1 cup carrots, finely chopped
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
salt & pepper, to taste
2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese

How to make it:

Saute onion in 1 tbls. butter
In another pan, cook melted butter and flour , whisking over medium heat for 3-4 minutes
Slowly add half & half while continuing to whisk
Add chicken stock, while continuing to whisk
Once it starts to simmer, let simmer for 20 minutes
Add broccoli, carrots and onions
Cook over low heat until veggies are tender
Add salt and pepper
Pour in batches into blender and mix or use immersion blender
Return to pot and over low heat, add cheese, stirring until well blended
Stir in the nutmeg
Pour soup into bowls and serve.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Not quite there hair.

Hair attempt # 1. This is without getting a haircut or having it thinned. I don't think it looks much like the pic. I just think it looks like my hair FLAT. I will be in Florida in a few days and get it cut and thinned and lightened and we will attempt it again.

Polo to Messenger

Hubby was cleaning out his closet and got rid of a few shirts. I salvaged this one and decided to upcycle it into a messenger bag for Jboy. I didn't have a pattern I just started cutting and pinning. I think it turned out pretty cool. J was so happy with it he immediately started filling it up. It was also brought to the dinner table and checked on numerous time throughout the meal. Now, I need to make a girly one for G.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm melting, melting...

I am sure all of you have seen a how-to on making your own crayons on a blog somewhere. If not it is super easy.
Step one: Take all your broken crayon and peel off the paper. We had lots because it is a hobby of J's to break crayons.
Step 2: Break them up into small pieces and put them into a mold of your choice. We just used a cupcake pan and liners.
Step 3: Bake @ 225 degrees for 25 minutes.
Step 4: Cool and remove from mold and there you have your very own crayons.
Today we made a few of our own. The kids thought they were doing something naughty because they got to peel all of the crayons themselves and break them into (as J says) "Little Tiny" pieces.
I think the colors turned out pretty cool. I only wish I had different molds to use to make different shapes. I will be on the hunt at the thrift store for some for next time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another cute kid quote.

Quote of the day by the kids. It made me laugh I hope you do too.

G was telling J to do something he shouldn't. So...
Me: J boy, G isn't in charge of you.
J: Yeah! God is in charge.
G: Mom, J said God's name INSANE.
Me: (Quiet laughter to my self enjoying my 5 and 2 year old)

Friday, January 21, 2011

New hair?

I want my hair to look like this. I have been looking for a way to change but still look like me. What do you think? Now all I have to do is figure out how to achieve this look.