Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feeling Ready!

I am almost 30 weeks along in my 3rd pregnancy. I am feeling DONE!!! I am READY!!!! Lets get this show on the road and NOT be pregnant anymore!!! I am Tired, Hurting, Swollen and have Zero energy!
I am feeling like all I do is whine about how much my body is HATING this extra weight and pulling and pressure. I don't like to whine and it seems to be my theme.
While I was in FL my sweet hubby and mother FORCED me to buy a new pair of tennis shoes, to give me more support. They also strapped a girdle around me for support and they tried to push me around the Brandon Mall in a wheelchair. I got out of that one by wearing the shoes and girdle. But I feel almost like I am to the point where even laying down is an effort. I have 10 weeks to go! I will make it. Hubby keeps saying "take it one day at a time". I have somewhere around 175 days to go and that just seems overwhelming!
So I am turning my focus to something else! (trying to) I am focusing on getting my classroom ready for the fall. I am focusing on cleaning out our unused unwanted clutter. I am focusing on house guests we will have in 2 weeks, and freezer meals for when Preston arrives. I am focusing on the 4D ultrasound that I get to have in 2 weeks. I am focusing on ANYTHING but the 175 day, or 10 weeks, or 2 1/2 months left!
I had a doctors appointment yesterday. My Doctor is so funny. He comes in the room each visit and says the same thing. "Weight looks good, blood pressure looks good, measuring good, this is your third time around, I think it is smooth sailing. Do you have any questions?" I want to scream "YES!! CAN YOU MAKE IT MAY ALREADY?!" But I don't I just kind of slip my statement of discomfort in like it is a question and he replies the same every time with "Third pregnancies do tend to be the toughest." That's it?! That is all you can offer me?! What about a tip to ease the pain or an encouraging word? All he offers me is that, what I am going through is normal. So, I pack up my things and get on my way.
OK, my tantrum is over! I will put back on my "pregnancy is wonderful attitude" and be thankful for this wonderful blessing from my Lord. I will praise Him that He has designed my body in such an amazing way to be able to handle childbearing. I will praise Him that He has opened my womb. I will praise Him that He is knitting together Preston and that he is fearfully and wonderfully made. I will FOCUS on this being a gift!