Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What does God say about that?

In my pursuit of a teaching my children God's word and writing it on their hearts, I wondered if G knew what God said about what we are to do with certain parts of our bodies. I wondered if she knew we were to use our hands to serve others. I wondered if she knew that God had things to say about our eyes, ears, and mouth. So, here is my idea. I wanted to draw a picture of what a "Godly Girl" looked like. I didn't have a large sheet of papers so I taped up a few in the shape of G's body to the back of her door. I then traced her outline onto the paper. Next, we drew her features and her clothes. Now for the fun part. We went on a "hunt" in God's word to see what He had to say about our bodies. We took a looked at 2 verses today. One on the HEART and one on HANDS. We wrote in the verses on the picture of G and discussed how she could "do" these things that God commanded us to do. This is hopefully going to become a daily activity, until we can't fit anythings else on our "Godly Girl". I will do one with J too, but he was napping during our project.


  1. This is SO GREAT, Corie! I am totally going to steal!! Thank you for the fantastic idea and great job, super mom! Your kids are so blessed!!!

  2. Thanks Ladies. Lauren, I got my copy of Girl Talk and it is so encouraging and very motivating. Steal away!

  3. That is a good idea. I have a feeling if I did this with my boys, we'd have to draw belts and weapons around their waists!!

  4. Well, you could "Put on the Armor of God" with your boys. That might be a little more manly.
