Mountain Mama!

Mountain Mama!

Monday, March 8, 2010

water colors

createtown had a cute idea on their blog that I did with the kids on one of our many "home bound" days. I wish I would have been able to relax and enjoy this craft a little more but my son was a wild man with the paintbrush. He was flinging paint all over the kitchen. I will remember next time to lay down some news print and put on smocks. G has never even get a speck of paint out of place so I was taken by surprise by my sons "boyNESS". I keep forgetting how different girls and boys are. G drew and painted Belle and J made David swinging his sling. I love the way water colors turn out! We will def. do this one again.


  1. LOVE that Gracie painted Belle! Thats my girl!

  2. She is Belle, so really it is a self portrait. Thanks Carly.
